

Drew is 9!

 This year Drew celebrated his birthday going bowling with a friend, then two small family dinners with each of his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.


Our new normal


Wow! So much has changed in my blogging break.

February 2013 we began attending a Gym & Enrichment Co-op. We have been so very blessed by this group.

Ken left his job of 12 years in May 2013 as a Civil Engineer Technician for our city and became the Utilities Distribution Supervisor. Two years of night school paid off & he has now been in his new position for a year!

We welcomed Adeline Joy to our family on July 9, 2013. Our little family became a family of 5! My heart is so full! 5 years of waiting for another little one and as in all God's perfect timing she is here.

In September we began our 6th year of Homeschooling. I opted to be a little more eclectic with the curriculum this year not knowing what life was going to be like with a newborn.
Our 2013/2014 Curriculum:
Horizons Math 3 & 2
A Reason for Handwriting T & C
Spelling by Sound & Structure 3
Rod & Staff Spelling 2
Rod & Staff  English 3 & 2
Rod & Staff Social Studies 3