
Shanan Christian Academy derives its name from the Hebrew word, "Shanan" (pronounced shah-nahn'), found in Deuteronomy 6:6-9. The word means to impress or teach diligently; to sharpen, to bring into focus.

  Our Homeschooling journey began in the fall of 2007, when A was 3 and went to preschool for the first time.  He hated going.  I mean hated it.  He would stick his head in his cubby for the whole 2 1/2 hours he was there.  He didn't like the noises, the constant moving around or any kind of change.  It broke my heart.   A lot of things happened in that first half of the school year that we decided to not send him back for second semester.

   That spring I felt the Lord leading us to Homeschooling.  He placed many people into our lives that set us up with going to our very first Convention in the summer of 2008.  As we were sitting in that HUGE Room listening to the speakers K and I both felt the Holy Spirit and we had such peace about our decision. Though we got LOTS of resistance from our family, we went on.  September of 2008 began our very first "School Year" of many.  A was just about to turn 4 and M was 2.  

  We started when A was 3 because he had a speech delay and was in speech therapy as well as we used sign language with him from the beginning. So we were in the "school' mode and he really liked it. 

Our Curriculum we have used is: 
1st year 2008-2009

 Hubbards Cupboard's Bible and Rhyme & Joyful Learning.

2nd year 2009-2010

 HC's Joyful Heart Character.

3rd year 2010-2011

Sonlight Core A, which I added some other things to make it go for two years.  

4th year 2011-2012

We used the second half of Sonlight and Road Trip USA.

5th year 2012-2013

 Adventures in My Father's World.

6th year 2013-2014

"We're not trying to do "School at Home." We're trying to homeschool. These are two entirely different propositions. We're not trying to replicate the time, style or content of the classroom. Rather we're trying to cultivate a lifestyle of learning in which learning takes place from morning until bedtime 7 days each week. The "formal" portion of each teaching day is just the tip of the iceburg. "
 --Steve and Jane Lambert ( Five In A Row )