
Not Back-to-School Blog Hop week 4

Week Four of the Not Back-to-School Blog Hop
Day-in-the-Life Week

Our family does not start "school" until the 10th of September this year.  We wait until the second week of September because we usually take a vacation the week before while all the public schools are back in session.  And is just a smoother transition for us because we are so busy the last of Aug-Beginning of Sept.
With all that said here is a bit of a break down of how our day usually goes:

7 am (give or take) Wake up, Dressed, morning chores, etc.
8 am Eat Breakfast
8:45-9 am Start lessons
10:30 am take a short,15 minute break
12 pm Daddy comes home for lunch
1:15 pm  finish what ever lessons we did not finish, kid time, chores if needed, play outside
2:30-3:30 quiet time (since they no longer nap we have quiet reading, puzzle, whatever time on their bed), and I get computer time.
4 pm I begin preparing dinner
4:35 pm Daddy comes home
5:30pm Eat dinner
Family time after dinner.  Read, play games, watch a show/movie, bike ride, walk the dog, Cub Scouts or Ballet.
7 or 7:30pm Bath time, or bedtime routine: pj's, floss, brush teeth.... 
8pm children in bed for prayers with mommy & daddy, they may read for a short bit until
8:30 pm Lights out, for children
11 pm lights out for me 

Well, that is a loose version of what our "day" looks like.  Some days we have Bible Study in the morning or a Field Trip or Play date so the timing and such would look different.

Not Back to School Blog Hop


Eddie said...

It looks like a nice day! I love your idea of taking a vacation the first week that the schools are back.

Lauren said...

Thanks for sharing your day. We're unschoolers in Australia and love hearing about other homeschoolers' lives and meeting them as we travel!