
"Not" Back to School Blog Hop Week 1

This is our Fifth Year Homeschooling and our first year using My Father's World Curriculum. We decided to go with Adventures in My Father's World.  A & M are just under 2 years apart in age so I like to do as much together as possible. 
Here is the break-down:
Bible: (Included in Adventures) Memory Verses and copy work.
English/Language Arts: Primary Language Lessons & Spelling by Sounds and Structure, assorted readers and Read Alouds
History and Geography:  (Included in Adventures) American History
Science:  (Included in Adventures)  Encyclopedia of Science, Science in the Kitchen, Science in the Air
Art & Music:  (Included in Adventures) Tchaikovsky and celebrate America-Songs of America; 
A: Drum Lessons and M: Piano
Math: Horizons 

Not Back to School Blog Hop


Lisa Marie said...

It is great that they are close together in age. Mine are 7 yrs apart so it is hard to do things together! Have a great year!
Blessings, Lisa Marie

Dog Enclosure said...

Awesome stuff, thank you and keep coming with these, will be back again.

About Us said...

Thank You, Lisa Marie. Hope you have a great year also.