
Adventures in MFW week 4

Week 4
Jesus the Light of the World
Native Americans
Universe, Stars

Bible: Jesus the Light of the World
*Memory Verse:
..." I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, 
but will have the light of life." John 8:12

*We purchased a pillar candle and wrote Jesus the Light of the World around it.  
*Names of Jesus poster. 
*Made a light switch cover that said, Jesus the Light of the World.

English/Language Arts: Spelling by sounds and structure Lesson 2
*Handwriting  S-Z
*Reading  D-Toad and Frog are Friends        M-Dick and Jane

History/Geography: North American Indians
Mon:  Made Wigwams
Tue:    Made Tepee's  ~Great Plains Indians
Wed:  Southwest Indians
Thur: Northwest Indians

Our closest star, the sun.

Read-aloud: Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims

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